February 1, 2010

Meet My Family Monday

Uncle George was a little iffy about doing the interview with me at first. Here’s how it started.

Me: Could I interview you Uncle George and Aunt Cindy?

Uncle George: Is this for your blog?

Me: Yes

Uncle George: I don’t know about having myself plastered all over the internet. If you want to put something like “introducing my favorite uncle” I would be ok with that.

Me: Okay

So, Introducing my favorite Uncle and his wife
Uncle George
Aunt Cindy

 My interview...with a little help from Amy:
Me: Tell us about your family.

Uncle George: Well you know who the kids are. We have 4 children: Doug, Matt, Beth and Scott.
Here they are minus Doug...don't worry though...you will get to meet him later.
And the little guy in the picture is Sean...he is the grandson of Uncle George and Aunt Cindy.  He belongs to Beth and her husband Richard.

Me: How did you guys meet?

Uncle George: We worked together at a hamburger stand in Huntington Beach. She called me up and asked me to her senior prom. You can put in parentheses “a call she now regrets”.

Aunt Cindy: I was brave once.
And here they are!!!

Me: When did you guys get married.

Uncle George: 1974. She was a month shy of 20 and I was a month plus 21.

Amy: How did you propose?

Uncle George: With words.

Me: (rolling my eyes) Could you elaborate please?

Uncle George: We went to a restaurant. Stuffed shirt, wasn’t it?

Aunt Cindy: I think it was somewhere else. I can picture it, but I don’t remember the name. We’ll just say Stuffed Shirt.

Me: Tell us something no one in the family knows about you.

Uncle George: I can’t do that. If I tell you guys that then that will be just one less secret I have.

Me: What was your favorite part about growing up in this family?

Uncle George: You don’t think about it at the time, but you realize it in retrospect. In a large family, no one wears the harness or gets scrutinized like someone in a smaller family. That is a small advantage to a large family. But I have 5 sisters. Don’t think for a minute that was fun. We lived in a house in Pennsylvania that had 1 bathroom.

Me: How do you like being a grandpa?

Uncle George: I love it. It’s almost as good as being an uncle.
I have had people tell me you enjoy your own grandkids more than your own kids because they get to go home. It’s kind of like other people’s dogs. I like other people’s dogs, but I don’t want to have my own. Not to compare grandkids to dogs. But, we’re kind of in a hybrid situation, so it’s a little bit different for us. But he is SO much fun.

Amy: How do you like being a grandma, Aunt Cindy?

Aunt Cindy: I love being a grandma. It’s really fun!

Amy: What made you move to Murrieta?

Uncle George: I had a friend that moved there in 1990 and we went down to visit him and really liked it. In 1992 we moved down. The trigger was when there were 2 murders in our neighborhood. Our van was stolen, and I caught people trying to steal our boat.

(Uncle George went on to tell us many reasons why he loves Murrieta. It sounds like a great place to live.)

Me: What is your favorite part of being in this family now as an adult?

Uncle George: I love my nieces to pieces!

Truth be told….I do not have a favorite uncle. I love them all equally. But Uncle George does hold a special place in my heart. Not many uncles would celebrate their birthdays by attending their niece's wedding.  But, Uncle George did!
Here we are singing to him.
(It was Esther's birthday too.  That is why she is up there.)

Thank you Uncle George and Aunt Cindy for being such good sports about the interview and the blog.  I am so happy we are members of the same family.

1 comment:

  1. I remember singing happy birthday!

    How is it that ALL of your relatives have these beautiful family shots outside? Oh, that's right. You live in beautiful, sunny California. I think you need to come visit for some snow and dreary brown grass. Boy, that's motivating, huh? (But you are planning to come out in October for the wedding, right? If you fly in to Dulles, Balt, or Philly you might have some pretty folliage on the drive up...and visits with some cousins.)

    Derek and I actually celebrated our anniversary on our trip to CA for your wedding, and but I think we were home for my birthday (the 6th).
