May 4, 2011

if only I could cover all my walls with this

This is what you call slatwall, and I am in love with it.
This was the one project I cared about getting done over Spring Break.
It was so easy to do….at least for me.  Nick might tell you another story.
But, he doesn’t have a blog….so here’s my story:
When my parents closed their store, they had so much slatwall.  They sold a lot of it, but we made sure to stash away some pieces for ourselves. (When I say we, I do not mean Nick and me.  He was not a fan of this idea.  When I say we, I mean the rest of my pack rat family and me).  At the time, Nick and I were living in an apartment and had no use for the slatwall and no place to store it, but I knew I would NEED it in the future.  I promised Nick that I would find a place to keep it and he wouldn’t have to worry about it.  For a while, it resided in my parent’s garage, and when they moved, it found a home in my sister’s garage.  But then she moved too.  From there, I cannot remember the trek this little wall took, but it has seen many-a-garage.   Nick had to move it every time (so much for not having to worry about it).  That made him a very pleasant person to be around because he really likes lifting awkward, heavy things and moving them all over Orange County, especially when they are for his wife who he adores. 
After touring the garages of Orange County, the slatwall finally ended up in our garage when we moved into our house.  You’d think that was the end of the story….but you’d think wrong. 
That slatwall sat and sat in our garage.  We were, after all, doing tons of work to the house, and hanging slatwall was not top priority.  So, it sat in a very annoying spot where it was blocking everything.  And, every time Nick would try to work in the garage, his frustration levels would reach all time highs.  People don’t think there is anything that can get Nick mad, but they are wrong.  That slatwall could really piss him off.  (Me, on the other hand, I never piss him off).  Just as he was about to blow his top, we (as in, the rest of my pack rat family and me) found a brilliant little place to store it, where it would be out of sight, out of mind.  And so it was….
…Until the day finally arrived when we were able to put that slatwall to good use….
 All we had to do was cut it to the right size and screw it into the wall.  Then we framed it with some leftover framing from the store. (When I say we, I mean Nick.)
I loaded it up with supplies for all the scrapbooking and knitting that I never do.
And then I sat and stared at it, drooling over its magnificence.
This part of our house once was a laundry room.  The washer and dryer hookups were moved into the garage long ago, so we decided to make this a space for some extra storage.  I knew that this would be the perfect place for the slatwall as soon as we moved into the house.   
I love it!  
***If you want to do this yourself, just go to a bookstore that is going out of business (sadly, there are a lot), and buy some of their slatwall.  Make sure that you also buy the acrylic to go on it.  It's cheap and easy!***


  1. I am not going to deny that I am jealous.

  2. This whole post made me laugh - I LOVE slatwall! :-)

  3. Such a good idea! Too bad I live in an apartment, lol. But maybe for someday...

    Visiting from 30 handmade days


  4. It looks wonderful! It will be so easy to find what you need while crafting!
