October 17, 2011

River Rats

Amy, Kim, two of my aunts, and I took a quick weekend trip out to Arizona to visit my parents.  Grandma just so happened to be staying with my aunt Sandy out there already, so we got to hang out with them as well.  It was a mini family reunion, and poor Dad was the only male member of the family represented.
The weekend consisted of squished together driving:
(and taking lots of pictures with our new iPhones)

Thrift store shopping:
(Except, this particular store was not a thrift store after all.  It was a Christian bookstore.  Who would have thought?)

Being river rats:
Being blown in the wind:
And lots of dominoes:
Our friend, Linda, who we had not seen in forever, was at the river this weekend, so we spent much of Saturday out on her boat with her.  It was very fun.  You may notice a sister missing.  Don't feel too sorry for her.  She is voyaging along the canals of England as we speak.  We did miss her though.
Thanks to everyone who entered the giveaway!  I will announce the winner tonight or tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. You guys take such awesome trips! Our favorite game is mexican dominoes... we are totally addicted :)
