October 28, 2012

Our Weekend

We did a lot of lounging around.
 We ate some delicious pork, and the dogs did the dishes for us.
We took a quick trip to the beach this afternoon.
Which ended up not being that quick because Nick locked his keys in his car, which is typical, because, HELLO....he's a Kinnier.  That sort of thing never happens to us Swensons.  Oh wait.
Brontie and I waited patiently.
And, there has been lots of baseball watching going on in our house.
Nick and I have been debating between ourselves who knows more about baseball.  I've pretty much won that debate.  What you may not know about me is that I had about a 6 year span of my life where I watched baseball EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. of the season.  The only reason that everyday span ended was because I went away to college and didn't have television anymore.  Someday, maybe I will share some of my crazy baseball stories...because I was basically a stalker.  

We are very excited that the Giants just won the World Series!

2012 World Series Champs

  (I have to admit that I was sort of rooting against them tonight because I don't feel ready for baseball season to be over.  I wanted a game to look forward to tomorrow night.  Nick was not too happy about my decision, but he just doesn't get what it's like to be a TRUE baseball fan.)

Sergio Romo

1 comment:

  1. I thought you spent all your growing up days tending to Sunshine Books! Now it comes out you were just in the back of the store watching the Atlanta Braves(especially Javi Lopez) on the Turner Network. Now Sergio Romo he's worth getting excited about--the first Mexican American to earn a save in a World Series Game! I'm Tom Kinnier, a true Giants fan, and I approve this message.
